英文翻译 评价[急]

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 00:47:25

她是市场部为数不多的女生之一,更是唯一的一个女性team leader。我公司的工作是琐碎而繁重的,很多男性都感觉工作压力很大,所以当Human Resource Dept. 向我推荐她时,我对她的工作能力仍持有一定的怀疑态度。但是她用实际行动向我证明了她完全能够胜任这份工作,并且表现优异。我对她印象深刻并不仅仅因为她和其他男员工一样努力工作,而是她能够同时在工作中展现女性优秀的一面。她善于对工作进行总结,提炼出该项工作的出色之处以及应改进的地方,并在工作完成后及时将其归类备档,以便日后查阅,避免重复劳动;她还利用自己扎实的专业知识,制作电子档案系统,进一步提高工作效率。同时,她也是一个优秀的team player,并没有因为自己是team leader而独行专断,而是成为了团队的凝聚力:她擅长发现team member的优点,能够有效地分配工作,让成员发挥他们的长处;她鼓励成员相互协作,以完成团队工作为目标;更难能可贵的是,她始终保持着乐观积极的心态,并影响着其他人在这个良性的氛围里进行工作。

She is one of the few girls in the department of marketing and is the only one female team leader. My firm's work is fragmented and heavy, many men feel pressures, so when the Human Resource Dept. recommended she to me , I still holding some skepticism to her work ability. But she take practical action to me that she can do the job very well and outstanding. She impress me so much, not only because she do the work as well as other male employees, but she can also work in women demonstrated outstanding side. She is good at summed up the work that which is good and which is to be improved. and in a timely manner after the completion of their classification by the stall for future reference, to avoid duplication of work; She also uses his solid expertise knowledge set up an electronic filing system to further improve work efficiency . At the same time, she is a good team player who not because he is a team leader and lone arbitrary, but as the team's cohesion: she is good at f